The Invasion of the Red Crabs!

In December the millions of crabs come out of hiding and they make their way toward the ocean for their annual migration.

2 min
Ripley's Believe It or Not!
Ripley's Believe It or Not!
The Invasion of the Red Crabs!
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Is Red Your Favorite Color?


It might have to be if you lived on Christmas Island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, near Australia.

No, you do not need to change the color on your screen – that tree trunk is covered in red… red crabs that is!

That’s right, it is estimated over 120 million crabs live on Christmas Island.

In December the millions of crabs come out of hiding and they make their way toward the ocean for their annual migration.

Holiday Travel

Not all crabs live near the ocean, which means millions have to travel through the town to get there. They cross roads, lawns, driveways, the jungle, down cliffs, and even cut through houses to get to the water!

I’m not so sure I would ever get used to red crabs walking through my house every December, let alone millions of them!

And Then They Multiple

After the crabs mate the females lay about 100,000 eggs… EACH!

A month later the eggs hatch in the ocean and the millions of baby crabs make the same journey their parents made and head back through town.

Considering the babies have never been home, it’s pretty amazing they know where to go.

crab bike

What Do the Locals Think?

If you had millions of crabs take over your streets and lawn, would you mind?

I think I might, but the residents of Christmas Island do not want to see them go. They feel privileged to witness and assist these crabs each year!

And in case you were wondering, this is not a crab you would catch for dinner, these red crabs are not edible.

So, whether or not you want to live there, it sounds like an interesting place to visit. But if you go, don’t forget to pack your boots!

red crabs


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